I was just wondering to what extent is it still necessary to specify vendor prefixes like 'webkit', 'moz', 'ms' or 'o' in CSS these days.
If I understand correctly, opera switched to webkit, so that drops '-o-', right? IE dropped the need for '-ms-' in IE10, but do you still need it for older versions? And I'm not sure what the story is with '-moz-' right now.
Basically all my CSS3 seems to work just fine across all (up to date) browsers without specifying any prefix, so I was just wondering what is necessary and what isn't necessary as of mid 2014.
EDIT: Basically I'm just wondering does anyone have an up-to-date list of what prefixes are necessary and under what conditions are they necessary.
You can build a filtered list on this web page and show all of the required prefixes.