I'm trying to do the below sql statement in GORM
select * from table1 where table1.x not in
(select x from table 2 where y='something');
so, I have two tables, and needs to find the entries from table 1 which are not in table 2. In Grails
def xx= table2.findByY('something')
def c = table1.createCriteria()
def result= c.list {
not (
in('x', xx)
the syntax is wrong, and I'm not sure how to simulate not in sql logic.
As a learning point, if someone can also tell me why minus (-) operator in grails/groovy doesn't work with list. I tried getting x and y seperately, and doing x.minus(y), but it doesn't change the list. I saw an explanation at Groovy on Grails list - not working? , but I would expect the list defined are local.
thank you so much.
Hmm, I'm just learning GORM myself, but one thing I see is that in is a reserved word in groovy and so needs to be escaped as 'in'