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How to realize wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS and wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl in PySide?

I'm working on a well-working program which is written in wxpython. I need to rewrite it using PySide. So I need to find replacement commands in PySide., self.HelpMessages(field))

This is one of the problems I met. I know it means an event, when something gets the focus by a mouse click, it triggers self.HelpMessages. But which command in PySide can get a similar effect? Similarly, is there any command that can replace the lost focus like below?, self.OnKillFocus) 

Another problem I have to deal with is this one. = wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl(self.parent, -1, field[con.ConfigFields.VALUE], pos=(x+220, y-3), size=(200, -1), allow_none=True)

Based on the documentation wx.lib.inctrl.IntCtrl provides a control that takes and returns integers as value, and provides bounds support and optional value limiting.

So does PySide has a similar function?

I know these two questions are fragmentary. It's really kind of you if you can give some examples to me.


  • Probably the easiest approach would be to search for focus events in PyQt. PySide is just a port of PyQt, so you just need to change the imports slightly to make most examples in PyQt work for PySide. Anyway, I found the following link:

    I believe all you need to do is call QMainWindow's setFocusPolicy and connect the following signal:

    QObject.connect(app, SIGNAL("focusChanged(QWidget *, QWidget *)"), changedFocusSlot)

    Then you should be able to detect focus events.