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Reference to 'X' is ambiguous

After several changes to my project I suddenly get this build error:

Reference to 'kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast' is ambiguous

Reference is ambiguous error screenshot

and when when taking a look at the error it shows me that it is referenced 4 times:

Xcode error screenshot

Can someone please tell me how this can happen and how can I figure out what is causing this? I am not importing anything from CoreGraphics explicitly and my Prefix file only imports ´Foundation.h´ and some self made macros. I am however importing several headers containing pure C code but they are all encapsulated in something like this:

#ifndef __MYCCODE_H
#define __MYCCODE_H
// imports here
// c code here

This happens in Xcode 5 using LLVM 5.1

Edit: this seems to be a different problem with this project. after commenting this line of code I get another error:

Malformed or corrupted AST file: 'Unable to load module "/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/1NHZ5MC2OSMJV/CoreImage.pcm": module file out of date'

Removing the module and adding it again did not help. Deleting the derived data also didn't help. This error also appears when going back to a working commit.


  • Ok after creating a new Project and coping everything to this project the build was successful however i got this "Malformed or corrupted AST file" error several times again but it can be solved by:

    • Clean the project
    • Deleting everything inside '~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/' (the button inside the organizer window did not work for me)
    • Clean once more
    • Build project

    after that it works just fine except that i have to do this fix from time to time

    i also did a diff to the old project and it seems a lot of frameworks and other old stuff got stuck in there from testing things so in case you have this check your project settings file for old stuff.

    i thought that xcode and me can be friends one day. guess not...