I am trying to create test for my-app using coded ui test with visual studio ultimate 2012, in my-app i run another app ( cmd window is opened during "another app" running). i want to wait until this "another app" finish running and then to check some results. how can i do that?
if someone know how to control window using coded ui test i think it may help, until now i didn't find an example of that!
i find a way.
my problem was to control and wait for the cmd window which related to "another app" execution.
i run the system and the VS recorder, and start recording when cmd window of the another app pop up and then i maximized the window and stop recording, i did this to get automatic generated code to control this window, the code i got:
public void WaitUntilAnotherappFinish()
#region Variable Declarations
WinWindow uIAnotherppWindow = this.UIAnotherappWindow
// Maximize window
uIAnotherppWindow.Maximized = this.WaitUntilAnotherappFinishParams.UIAnotherappWindowMaximized;
so i replace the maximize window command line to waiting for the window not exist:
public void WaitUntilAnotherappFinish()
#region Variable Declarations
WinWindow uIAnotherppWindow = this.UIAnotherappWindow
// wait for window to close
and this exactly did what i want :).
important note: be careful that this file is an auto generated file so your changes may be undo! solve this by implementing your own method in your test file.