I'm trying to detect nearby devices using NFC or RFID from within a WPF application.
Microsoft's proximity API seems to be the right way to go: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/hh465221.aspx
Unfortunately, I see no way to get it running inside a WPF application (or any other Desktop Technology that is). All examples refer to Microsoft store apps only.
From within a WPF application I cannot reference the Namespace
using Windows.Networking.Proximity;
Is it just a reference that I am missing? Is it possible to use the proximity API from a WPF application at all?
I finally found a sample project using the proximity API from within a WPF application: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/NFC-Editor-529ccda6
There is also a short tutorial included on how to use WinRT API's in WPF applications.
The basic steps:
line to the csproj fileSee above given link for details.