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Gimp-Fu/Tinyscheme: unquoting symbols in function-defining macro

I'm attempting to write a tinyscheme macro to define four mostly-identical procedures in GIMP:

(macro (define-layer-moving-function body) 
       (let* (
              (func-name (cadr body))
              (direction (caddr body))
              (x-off (cadddr body))
              (y-off (cadddr (cdr body)))
        ;(define (func-name img layer) ;binding doesn't happen
        (define (,func-name img layer) ;variable is not a symbol
                  (gimp-layer-translate layer ,x-off ,y-off)
          (symbol->string ,func-name)
          (string-append "Translate layer " ,direction)                        
          (string-append "Moves current layer slightly " ,direction)                        
          "Foobar License"
          "August 2014"
          SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
          SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0

        (script-fu-menu-register (symbol->string ,func-name) "<Image>/Move Layer")

(define-layer-moving-function 'script-fu-move-layer-down "down" 0 10)
(define-layer-moving-function 'script-fu-move-layer-up "up" 0 -10)
(define-layer-moving-function 'script-fu-move-layer-left "left" -10 0)
(define-layer-moving-function 'script-fu-move-layer-right "right" 10 0)

The problem is this line: (define (,func-name img layer)

Specifically the ,func-name bit. When I unquote ,func-name, I get the error "variable is not a symbol." But I'm pretty sure ,func-name is a symbol, because (symbol->string ,func-name) works fine.

If I don't unquote func-name, the gimp "procedure" doesn't get bound, presumably because the function wasn't defined with the right name. The procedure gets registered and shows up in the menu, but when I try to use it I get this "unbound variable script-fu-move-layer-down" error.

Ideas? I'm guessing it's related to how define doesn't evaluate its first argument, but I'm lost otherwise. Here's a Page on tinyscheme macros if you're not familiar with them.


  • A macro doesn't evaluate it's argument so func-name gets bound to (quote script-fu-move-layer-down) (or 'script-fu-move-layer-down for short) which is indeed not a symbol but a list of two symbols.

    Perhaps it will work if you call it like this?:

    (define-layer-moving-function script-fu-move-layer-down "down" 0 10)