My question is straight forward : we can do limit in solr facets. Is it possible to set the start point as well in facet results?
Like we do in normal query :->
I want my facet results to be started, say from 4th point, not from very first result.
In a related note, this can be done when using groups. I can select which group I want by passing start point in query. But this doesn't seem possible with facets. Can't use Groups because there is no sort by numfound feature.
Faceting supports pagination using facet.offset
and facet.limit
Using SolrJ, that should map to something like:
query.setParam(FacetParam.FACET_LIMIT, "1000"); // default is 100
query.setParam(FacetParam.FACET_OFFSET, "10"); // default is 0