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Change ADB Port

I want change ADB port which run on default port on 5037. I want to change this port because my port on 5037 is used by program Baidu ADB Component (Baidu Android Store from Baidu PC Faster using same port 5037).

I have tried to kill that process but access denied. Please see my image here:

I know someone have posted similar question here, but its not helping me.

I have tried :

1. Open CMD as admisitrator and type :

-netstat -ano |findstr "5037"

which generate PID of application that using port 5037, then

taskkill /pid PORT /f /t

then said access denied

2. following this answer from stackoverflow but generate :

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5555 *
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon

3. Have tried using program process explorer from this

and tried to kill Baidu ADB component but generate some result access denied

4. Trying to stop service but it said cannot be completed

So, I think this problem can solve by change ADB port. I don't want to uninstall Baidu PC faster or Baidu Android Store. Any idea? how to perform this?

thanks for your help.


  • command to run adb server on different port adb -P 12345 start-server

    adb server starts on 12345 port