I need to pull information on a long list of JIRA issues that live in a CSV file. I'm using the JIRA REST API in Python in a small script to see what kind of data I can expect to retrieve:
import csv
import sys
from jira.client import JIRA
csvfile = list(csv.reader(open(sys.argv[1])))
for row in csvfile:
r = str(row).strip("'[]'")
i = jira.issue(r)
print i.id,i.fields.summary,i.fields.fixVersions,i.fields.resolution,i.fields.resolutiondate
The ID (Key), Summary, and Resolution dates are human-readable as expected. The fixVersions and Resolution fields are resources as follows:
[<jira.resources.Version object at 0x105096b11>], <jira.resources.Resolution object at 0x105096d91>
How do I use the API to get the set of available fixVersions and Resolutions, so that I can populate this correctly in my output CSV?
I understand how JIRA stores these values, but the documentation on the jira-python code doesn't explain how to harness it to grab those base values. I'd be happy to just snag the available fixVersion and Resolution values globally, but the resource info I receive doesn't map to them in an obvious way.
User mdoar answered this question in his comment:
How about using version.name and resolution.name?