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In what scenario does self-type annotation provide behavior not possible with extends

I've tried to come up with a composition scenario in which self-type and extends behave differently and so far have not found one. The basic example always talks about a self-type not requiring the class/trait not having to be a sub-type of the dependent type, but even in that scenario, the behavior between self-type and extends seems to be identical.

trait Fooable { def X: String }
trait Bar1 { self: Fooable =>
  def Y = X + "-bar"
trait Bar2 extends Fooable {
  def Y = X + "-bar"
trait Foo extends Fooable {
  def X = "foo"
val b1 = new Bar1 with Foo
val b2 = new Bar2 with Foo

Is there a scenario where some form of composition or functionality of composed object is different when using one vs. the other?

Update 1: Thanks for the examples of things that are not possible without self-typing, I appreciate the information, but I am really looking for compositions where self and extends are possible, but are not interchangeable.

Update 2: I suppose the particular question I have is why the various Cake Pattern examples generally talk about having to use self-type instead of extends. I've yet to find a Cake Pattern scenario that doesn't work just as well with extends


  • Cyclic references can be done with self-types but not with extends:

    // Legal
    trait A { self: B => }
    trait B { self: A => }
    // Illegal
    trait C extends D
    trait D extends C

    I use this sometimes to split up implementations across multiple files, when there are cyclic dependencies.