I have array with some strings and i want to use RegexIterator
to replace some stuff on matched string but to also leave un-matched strings in array.
Here is my code:
$a = new ArrayIterator(array('LeaveThisInArray','value1', 'value2'));
$i = new RegexIterator($a, '/^(value)(\d+)/', RegexIterator::REPLACE);
$i->replacement = '$2:$1';
And i get this as output:
[0] => 1:value
[1] => 2:value
But what i wanted is this:
[0] => LeaveThisInArray
[1] => 1:value
[2] => 2:value
Is there any flag i can set or something, because i cant find much in the spl documentation.
The closest I can think about for this right now is like this:
$a = new ArrayIterator(array('LeaveThisInArray','value1', 'value2'));
$i = new RegexIterator($a, '/^(?:(value)(\d+))?/', RegexIterator::REPLACE);
$i->replacement = '$2$1';