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PHPSpec: Issue stubbing out PDO::execute

I'm having an issue stubbing out PDO::execute using PHPSpec and prophecy, but I keep getting an error that:

29  ! it should perform PDO queries
  method `Double\PDO\P3::execute()` is not defined.

   0 vendor/phpspec/prophecy/src/Prophecy/Prophecy/MethodProphecy.php:48
     throw new Prophecy\Exception\Doubler\MethodNotFoundException("Method `Double\PDO\P3::ex"...)
   1 vendor/phpspec/prophecy/src/Prophecy/Prophecy/ObjectProphecy.php:242
     Prophecy\Prophecy\MethodProphecy->__construct([obj:Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy], "execute", [obj:Prophecy\Argument\ArgumentsWildcard])
   2 [internal]
     Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy->__call("execute", [array:1])
   3 [internal]

Here's my spec:

class MysqlModelSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function let(\PDO $connection)

    function it_should_perform_PDO_queries(\PDO $connection)
            "SELECT :key FROM :collection WHERE :where"

                'key' => 'user_name',
                'collection' => 'users',
                'where' => 'userid=1'

        $this->get('user_name', 'users', 'userid=1')
                array('user_name' => 'seagoj')

I know Prophecy doesn't stub out any methods that don't exist, but PDO is baked into PHP and the PDO::prepare stub works fine. Thanks for any help you can give.


  • If that's all just calling PDO under the hood, then it's not using PDO properly.

    The core PDO object has no execute() method. That's purely for prepared statements, which is what ->prepare() returns. There IS ->exec() for immediate execution of queries, but that doesn't support prepared statements.

    The basic sequence would be

    $stmt = $pdo->prepare('...');