I'm developing an application for a Windows Surface Pro. I need to gather the pen pressure on the screen and i figuret out to do.
After solving some issue due to Event (StylusDown, StylusUp and other Stylus event are never raised, bu only mouse event) i landed in a work around.
I will show you the code (taken from some microsoft guide) Basically is a filter for raw event
class MyFilterPlugin : StylusPlugIn
protected override void OnStylusDown(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput)
// Call the base class before modifying the data.
// Restrict the stylus input.
private void Filter(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput)
// Get the StylusPoints that have come in.
StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = rawStylusInput.GetStylusPoints();
// Modify the (X,Y) data to move the points
// inside the acceptable input area, if necessary.
for (int i = 0; i < stylusPoints.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("p: " + stylusPoints[i].PressureFactor);
StylusPoint sp = stylusPoints[i];
if (sp.X < 50) sp.X = 50;
if (sp.X > 250) sp.X = 250;
if (sp.Y < 50) sp.Y = 50;
if (sp.Y > 250) sp.Y = 250;
stylusPoints[i] = sp;
// Copy the modified StylusPoints back to the RawStylusInput.
Added as Filter in StylusPlugin
StylusPlugIns.Add(new MyFilterPlugin());
While i run this, however, i always get 0.5 as PressureFactor (the default value) and inspecting more deep I still can see the evironment of Stylus is not properly set (his Id is 0 for example).
There is a way to gather StylusEvent correctly? The main point is: i need to gather the pressure (how much pressure) of the pen on the screen.
Thanks a lot.
Some Info: i'm developing with visuals tudio 2012 Ultimate, on a win 7 Pc. I deploy the application in a Surface Pro with windows 8.1. I installed and configured the Surface SDK 2.0 and the Surface Runtime.
For completition i have solved this.
Stylus event (don't know how) conflicted with the Surface SDK. Once i removed the SDK reference from the project all went smooth and the problem i solved. Now i can gather correctly the pressure of each pen touch and on pen move.
I post this only for community information.