I've heard of .cs files but never of .csx files. Google searches led me to CSX corporation and other unwanted bodies. Can someone provide a terse description of what a CSX file is, and perhaps the main differences between CSX and CS?
It is a C# Script File introduced with Roslyn:
C# Script File (.csx) Editing Support: The CTP introduces a concept of a C# Script File. You can create a .csx file [...]
[What is Roslyn? .NET Compiler Platform, also known by its nickname Roslyn, is a set of open-source compilers and code analysis APIs for C# and Visual Basic .NET languages from Microsoft.]
You don't have to have everything in a class and method, a csx file is like it's own method, and everything in the file will be executed on start. It also supports some additional directives (like #load to load another script).
The Scripting Api provided in Roslyn, while being promising, has some severe flaws:
Scripting APIs require desktop .NET Framework 4.6+.
There are several scripting engines which are based on it (or on the underneath Roslyn) or at least on the same format, while providing more advanced directives. So, it means a csx file should run on one of the following:
Beware, even if they share a common base, they are not cross-compatible, since there is no standard on the extensions they implement.