I'm trying to generate a web page in Go lang. I'm currently using the Goji framework ( http://goji.io ) and I want to generate all of the heads and parts of the body of the web-page, but then I want some of the content to be written based on results from the code.
For example as in PHP, one can write HTML, js, or CSS and then in the PHP tags, write the code which is interpreted there.
How can I write my html, css, and js and then have Golang code within it that is complied and executed as the page is rendered?
As mentioned in issue 13, use Go html/template package.
// Shorthand
type M map[string]interface{}
func viewHandler(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
title := c.URLParams["title"]
p, err := loadPage(title)
if err != nil {
// do other things
template.ExecuteTemplate(w, "results.html", M{
"title": title,
"results": results,
"pagination": true,
{{range .Results }}
<h1>{{ Result.Name }}</h1>
<p>{{ Result.Body }}</p>
{{ end }}
Using a template is also recommended in zenazn/goji/example/main.go
elithrar also references in the comments the "Writing Web Applications article, section The html/template package" for more.