in my app I'm using GraphView library to create a LineGraphView. It shows data from specified dates from example from 18.01 to 30.01. When I change the boundaries for example from 25.01 to 29.01 GraphView updates the chart (cuts not needed lines) but still shows wrong x axis data (18.01 to 30.01), however when user starts to interact with chart (zooming, scrolling) it updates it's x axis and everything is fine. Is there a method to force GraphView to update it's x axis? I have only encountered this problem if user has been interacting with chart (zooming, scrolling) before changing dates if there was no interaction graphview updates properly. I'm creating charts this way:
Inside onCreate:
mGraphView = new LineGraphView(this, "Temperature Measurements");
And a function to create a chart when I fetch data from database:
public void createChart(Cursor cursor) {
GraphViewData[] values = new GraphViewData[cursor.getCount()];
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
String time = cursor.getString(cursor
String temp = cursor.getString(cursor
values[cursor.getPosition()] = new GraphViewData(
Double.parseDouble(time), Double.parseDouble(temp));
mGraphView.addSeries(new GraphViewSeries(values));
final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(
"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm");
mGraphView.setCustomLabelFormatter(new CustomLabelFormatter() {
public String formatLabel(double value, boolean isValueX) {
if (isValueX) {
return formatter.format(new Date((long) value));
return null;
And here is the screenshot with the problem:
OK, so I made it however I think it can be done better, what I done is removing graphView from parent layout, creating new graphview and adding new graphview - I do this sequence everytime user is changing the boundaries. Maybe it will help somebody (short snippet of createChart method, container is my parent layout):
mGraphView = new LineGraphView(this, "Temperature Measurements");
mGraphView.addSeries(new GraphViewSeries(values));