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Converting .rtf files to .doc and then .doc back to .rtf in PowerShell (WMF registry fix) - file size optimization

I need to create a script in powershell with which will convert all my files from .rtf to .doc and then back. I want to do it because I have applied registry fix which will decrease size of my rtf files after such conversion ( It will not save second WMF image specyfic info ).I imagine my script workflow as RTF_1 save to doc then close rtf1 delete rtf 1 , save doc to rtf2 , close doc , delete doc.


  • Here is the final working script ( without deleting , I decided I do not need it )

    param([string]$rtfpath,[string]$docpath = $rtfpath,[string]$docpath2 = $rtfpath2)
    $srcfiles = Get-ChildItem $rtfPath -filter "*.rtf"
    $docfiles = Get-ChildItem $docPath -filter "*.doc"
    $saveFormat =[Enum]::Parse([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat], "wdFormatDocument");
    $saveFormat_back =[Enum]::Parse([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat], "wdFormatRTF");
    $word = new-object -comobject word.application
    $word.Visible = $False
    function saveas-DOC
      $name = $rtf.basename
      $savepath ="$docpath\rtf" + $name + ".doc"
      write-host $name
      Write-Host $savepath
             $opendoc = $$rtf.FullName);
             $opendoc.saveas([ref]$savepath, [ref]$saveFormat);
    function saveas-back_to_rtf
             $name = $doc.basename
       $savepath2 ="$rtfpath2\doc" + $name + ".rtf"
       write-host $name
       Write-Host $savepath
             $opendoc = $$doc.FullName);
             $opendoc.saveas([ref]$savepath2, [ref]$saveFormat_back);
    ForEach ($rtf in $srcfiles)
             Write-Host "Processing :" $rtf.FullName
    ForEach ($doc in $docfiles)
             Write-Host "Processing doc file :" $doc.FullName
             $doc = $null