According to FAQ.7 and Example.038, I should be able to control my width through global options options(width=40)
or chunk options tidy.opts(width.cutoff=40)
. However, the text still runs off the gray box, and in my current case where I have two-column beamer slides. the source code runs into the next column. Is there anything else I can do besides turning off tidy tidy=FALSE
and manually setting the breaks in my code?
Minimal working example:
dataframe <- data.frame(Column1=1:10,Column2=1:10,Variable=1:10,Value=1:10)
dataframe <- melt(dataframe,
Output (problem is that columns run together):
Options should be passed like this:
opts_chunk$set(comment="", message=FALSE,tidy.opts=list(keep.blank.line=TRUE, width.cutoff=120),options(width=100), cache=TRUE,fig.align='center',fig.height=6, fig.width=10,fig.path='figure/beamer-','hold',size='footnotesize', cache=TRUE)
And here you specify width.cutoff
for code and width
for r results.