I have a rails application with Faye gem. My rails application is divided into two engines. One of the engines has a controller. This controller contains a method called Index that can get data from the database. This method uses a JSON view with a help of jbuilder gem.
So the question is whenever a user subscribes to the faye channel, I would like to push the result of this controller method through this channel to the user with JSON format. How can I do this?
Here is my source code:
require 'faye'
app = Faye::RackAdapter.new(:mount => '/faye', :timeout => 25)
run app
class Restaurant::MenuController < RestaurantController
def index
@categories = Category.where("status" => true)
json.categories @categories do |category|
json.id category.id
json.name category.name
json.image category.image.url
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root 'restaurant/home#index'
mount Restaurant::Engine => '/', as: 'restaurant'
I advice you to use gem private_pub to work with faye (it's very simple just look at this). With private_pub you can touch your action in connection callback in js code. Simple example (how to connect and config private_pub - look at cast or at gem's github page):
Create action in any your controller for subscribtion (for example)
class YourController < ApplicationController
def subscription
@subscription = nil
# channel_id is your identificator of channel
@subscription = PrivatePub.subscription(channel: "/channel/#{channel_id}")
render json: @subscription.to_json(root: false)
In your js (if you use jquery):
$.getJSON('/controller_path/subscription', function (data) {
// you can call your action here to load any data you want
$.getJSON('your action', function(data) {
//your code here
PrivatePub.subscribe(data.channel, function(data, channel) {
// your code here to process data from faye