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I am using Select2 Widget In yii Framework and want to call function on change event but its not working

I am using Select2 Widget In yii Framework and want to call function on change event but its not working

 echo Select2::activeMultiSelect($categoryModel, "cat_name", CHtml::listData(
                            Category::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('cat_type' => 'Recipe')), 'id', 'cat_name'), array(
                'placeholder' => 'Select Category',
                'select2Options' => array(
                    'maximumSelectionSize' => 5,
                       'events' => array('change' => 'js:function(){ alert("asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"); }')

i am going to alert message on change but this not works and not show any error message or something on console thanks in advance


  • You can try adding an id to your select, then bind your function to its click event with jQuery like this in the footer of your page:

    $("#selectID").click(function () {
        alert("Selected value is: " + $("#selectID").select2("val"));