i am looking to create a delete query that is going to get sent to a database.
I really don't have a model for doing so, so I look for the key word delete in the /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/ directory and see how others have done it.
When i use this i get a whole bunch of good examples, but it does not give me the names of the scripts :
cat /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/* | grep delete
I would like to know the name of the script that has the delete line query, so I can see the query in the context of the script.
I tried :
for i in $(ls /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/ )
if [ cat /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/$i | grep delete ]
echo $i
I was thinking if "cat /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/ | grep delete" evaluated to successful, the script would echo the script name that contained the keyword.
However it does not.
You want a list of the file names containing matches, so use -l
to do that (all in one fell swoop, which has the additional merit of avoiding problems with blanks and other oddball characters in the file names):
grep -l delete /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/*
If you're dealing with SQL, unless there's a strong standard to the contrary, you probably want to recognize DELETE too, so add -i
(for case-insensitive):
grep -l -i delete /bigcompany/scripts/dbscripts/*