The following code snippet creates a simple 2x2 contingency table using the "tables" package in R.
TAB <- latex(tabular((Gears=factor(gear)) ~ (Carburetors=carb)*(Format(digits=2)*
Percent("col")+ 1), data=mtcars))
What would be the easiest way of adding row and column totals to this table?
You already are showing how to do it for row totals (which is what the +1
is doing) and using the same method for the columns is effective:
tabular((Gears=factor(gear)) +1~ (Carburetors=carb)*(Format(digits=2)*
Percent("col")+ 1), data=mtcars)
Gears Percent All
3 47 15
4 38 12
5 16 5
All 100 32