I am currently having a problem when trying to select where a job is listed in the tbl_jobs table and has not been assigned to a delivery item in the tbl_delivery_items table by using a NOT IN subquery.
The sub query should return supplier_job_job_id 1 (which it does when you run this as a seperate query), with the NOT IN excluding the job with an id of 1. Alas, it is not working and causing me a headache by returningthe job with a job_id of 1 when I was expecting an empty set. Here is the codeigniter code generating the query:
$this->db->join("tbl_jobs", "tbl_jobs.job_id = tbl_supplier_jobs.supplier_job_job_id");
$this->db->where_not_in("supplier_job_job_id", "SELECT delivery_item_job_id FROM tbl_delivery_items");
$result = $query->result_array();
echo $this->db->last_query();
return $result;
Here is the query it generates:
SELECT * FROM (`tbl_supplier_jobs`) JOIN `tbl_jobs` ON `tbl_jobs`.`job_id` = `tbl_supplier_jobs`.`supplier_job_job_id` WHERE `supplier_job_job_id` NOT IN ('SELECT delivery_item_job_id FROM tbl_delivery_items') AND `supplier_job_supplier_id` = '1' ORDER BY `tbl_jobs`.`job_number` DESC
And here is the data:
supplier_job_id | supplier_job_job_id | supplier_job_supplier_id
1 1 1
2 2 2
job_id | job_number | job_description | job_delivered
1 1024 aaaaa 0
2 2048 bbbbb 0
delivery_item_id | delivery_item_delivery_id | delivery_item_job_id | delivery_item_toa | delivery_item_pallet_quantity | delivery_item_box_quantity
1 1 1 2014-08-18 16:23:04 2 1
Any ideas?
The problem is that the subquery is rendered as a string. You can see this clearly in the generated query that you supplied.
This seems to be a limitation in the where_not_in
method of CodeIgniter. A possible solution, change the code to call the where
method and render a slightly larger part of the query yourself:
$this->db->where("supplier_job_job_id NOT IN (SELECT delivery_item_job_id FROM tbl_delivery_items)");