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How to change the appearance of the googleplus-share button on the Gigya share bar?

I'm trying to change the appearance of the googleplus-share button on the Gigya share bar. I'm able to change the appearance of the other buttons (Facebook, Twitter, etc, but the Google-plus button ignores the iconImgUp parameter specified by Gigya and reverts to the default appearance.

I'm using the follow parameter setup:

    containerID : 'share-bar',
    shareButtons : [{provider: 'Facebook', enableCount: 'false', iconOnly:'true', iconImgUp:'images/facebook.jpg', iconImgOver:'images/facebookdown.jpg'},
    {provider: 'googleplus-share', enableCount: 'false', iconOnly:'true', iconImgUp: 'images/facebook.jpg'},
    {provider: 'Twitter', enableCount: 'true'},
    {provider: 'Share', enableCount: 'true'},
    {provider: 'Email'},
    {provider: 'Print'}],
    userAction: act,
    operationMode: 'multiSelect',
    grayedOutScreenOpacity: 20,
    onShareButtonClicked: function (eventObj) {

Notice that I'm using the same image for facebook and google-plus for testing purposes, but this is what appears:

enter image description here

Any ideas?


  • Optional parameters iconImgUp, iconImgOver, iconOnly and tooltip will not work with reserved name ("native") share buttons: ... 'googleplus-share' ...
