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JVCL Tabbed Docking: No Close Button on Tabs

I am using the jvDocking components and have been unable to figure out how to enable close buttons on the tabs of forms that have been docked together as a set of tabs. I have tried various combinations of options such as:

tJVDoclient.EnableCloseButton := True; 


tjvDockVSnetStyle.TabServeroption.ShowClosebuttonOnTabs := True;
tjvDockVSnetStyle.TabServeroption.ShowClosebuttonOnGrabber := False;

I am using Delphi XE2 Update 4.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why I can't seem to get the close button to appear on tabs?

Thank you!


  • It should be shown with CERTAIN docking styles, if you set the ShowCloseButtonOnTabs property to true. It's inside the TabServerOption section of the Dock Style Component (ie TJvDockVIDStyle).

    I just tried it though, and it's possible there is a bug in this component as it does not work any more.