I am using the jvDocking components and have been unable to figure out how to enable close buttons on the tabs of forms that have been docked together as a set of tabs. I have tried various combinations of options such as:
tJVDoclient.EnableCloseButton := True;
tjvDockVSnetStyle.TabServeroption.ShowClosebuttonOnTabs := True;
tjvDockVSnetStyle.TabServeroption.ShowClosebuttonOnGrabber := False;
I am using Delphi XE2 Update 4.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why I can't seem to get the close button to appear on tabs?
Thank you!
It should be shown with CERTAIN docking styles, if you set the ShowCloseButtonOnTabs
property to true. It's inside the TabServerOption
section of the Dock Style Component (ie TJvDockVIDStyle
I just tried it though, and it's possible there is a bug in this component as it does not work any more.