I currently implemented ZBar QR Code Scanner Library into my own app. But, so far, I am just able to read a QR Code that leads to a website. What should I do if I want to scan a QR Code that leads you to dial a phone number or text messages? How do I make my app read any QR Code?
The content of the QR code should be irrelevant -- it's just text. It might happen to contain a URL, but that doesn't change the format of the QR code.
int result = imageScanner.scanImage(image);
// Nonzero means a result was found
if (result != 0) {
// Typical only one symbol unless multiple codes were found
// in the scanned image
for (Symbol symbol : imageScanner.getResults()) {
// .getData() gives the string content of the QR code
String qrCodeContent = symbol.getData();