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How to check for a blank date value in Ingres

I have an Ingres table with date field (data type ingresdate) which has a not null restriction. However blank i.e. empty values are allowed. How can you check for a blank value?

Of course testing for null values using ifnull() does not work - as per example below.

INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2008 Ingres Corporation
Ingres SPARC SOLARIS Version II 9.2.3 login
create table test ( id integer not null, date_field ingresdate not null with default )\g
insert into test (id, date_field) values ( 1, '' )\g
insert into test (id, date_field) values ( 2, '31/12/2014' )\g
(1 row)
select id, date_field, ifnull( date_field, '01/01/2014' ) as test_field from test\g
(1 row)
¦id           ¦date_field               ¦test_field               ¦
¦            1¦                         ¦                         ¦
¦            2¦31/12/14                 ¦31/12/14                 ¦
(2 rows)
Your SQL statement(s) have been committed.
Ingres Version II 9.2.3 logout


  • Actually, thanks to PaulM, I figured it out:

    INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2008 Ingres Corporation
    Ingres SPARC SOLARIS Version II 9.2.3 login
    select id, date_field, 
    case when date_field = '' then '01/01/2014' else date_field end as test_field 
    from test
    ¦id           ¦date_field               ¦test_field               ¦
    ¦            1¦                         ¦01/01/14                 ¦
    ¦            2¦31/12/14                 ¦31/12/14                 ¦
    (2 rows)
    Ingres Version II 9.2.3 logout