I fear i may be repeating a previous post but I dont understand the other posts at all so maybe this will provide a better explanation.
Ive created a file, want to use cx_freeze to create a lil MSI exe to install it wherever.
py file to run the build is this
import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
base = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':base = 'Win32GUI'
opts = 'include_files':['raftlogo.gif'],'includes:["re"]
setup( name = "Glass Calculator",
version = '1.0',
description = 'Raft Furniture - Glass Calculator',
author = 'Lewis Tabone',\
options = {'build_exe':opts},
executables = [Executable('Glass Calculator.py',base= base)])
basically straight copied from a book that says this is how it should be written, but when i try and execute it with >>>python creator.py build as per the instructions, i get all kinds of crazy errors, EOL errors, syntax complaints, string literals.
I simply dont know enough about how this is supposed to be written to correct it.
Thanks in advance.
Further Additions:-
After using a completely different sequence i got it to build the list.
Only problem is that the EXE does not work error is as follows:-
Traceback(most recent call last): File"C:\python33\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\console.py", line 27, in exec(code,m.dict)File"Glass Calculator.py",line 7, in File "C:\python33\lib\tkinter__init__.py",line 3406,in__init__ Image.init(self,'photo',name,cnf,master,**kw)File"C:\Python33\lib\tikinter__init__.py",line3362,in__init__self.tlk.call(('image','create',imgtype,name,)+options)_tkinter.tclerror:couldnt open "raftlogo.gift": no such file or directory
Quite frankly i have no idea. Please help!
The issue with this was that the folder to build a file list from was not all together with Python in Pythons C:\ directory. Do that and use the correct version of cx_Freeze as detailed on the other question i posted and you will have no problem.