I am writing a Meteor app that deals with a list of blog posts. All blog posts are stored in a collection called 'Posts'. I use Iron Router for routing.
I want to show the user a list of all the posts created by a particular author. This list will be displayed using Spacebars. Therefore, I need to provide the data to the template.
As far as I know, there are two ways to do this:
Option 1 example:
postsToDisplay: function(){
return Posts.find({author: 'someAuthor'});
Option 2 example:
//Inside my route
data: function(){
return {postsToDisplay: Posts.find({author: 'someAuthor'})};
Are there any significant differences between those two methods? Is there a reason to prefer one over the other? Does one deliver better performance?
Thank you very much for your answers!
Are there any significant differences between those two methods? Does one deliver better performance?
Not really, it's just design choices after all.
Is there a reason to prefer one over the other?
I would stick to the iron-router + data method, here is why :
You can use waitOn to actually display the list only when data fetched from the server is ready, using Router.onBeforeAction("loading")
and a loadingTemplate improves overall user experience.
You can design a data agnostic postsList template that you can feed with different contexts.
The last point is particularly interesting, because it allows you to define a reusable template that you could use to display the list of recent posts, the list of posts in a category, the list of posts by a certain author as you want to achieve in the first place, etc...
<template name="postsList">
{{#each posts}}
{{> postListItem}}
Here you could define posts as a helper of postsList, but it's better to let the parent template that will call postsList assign posts to whatever it needs to.
return {
This design pattern allows us to define a route that provides a data context which represents the list of posts by a given author, but you could also define another route providing a data context which will list posts by category.
So by moving out the data provider role from the template helper to the route definition, we have a much more reusable template, which is nice.