I am consufed on how to normalize the inputs / outputs for a regression neural network using (Gaussian normalization ? ) mean & standart deviation normalization technique :
Most importantly, I Normalize from which data ?
Let me explain :
let's say i have these training data on a 2 input neurons, 2 hidden neurons , 1 output neuron:
[input1 : 10][input2: 5]
[input1: 30][input2: 255]
do i normalize by column(neuron), or from all the inputs data ? Is the mean for input neuron 1 =
(10+30+5+255)/4 ?
Try both with weird result using the typical XOR example (only 1s and 0s in the traning data), where i was actually loosing great accuracy when normalizing.
Normalization is to keep each dimension of input data in a certain range so usually it should be done in column. There are several ways for normalization. For example, linear normalization: It's the most common an easiest method and often used when the data is centered. It's counted by (V-Vmin)/(Vmax-V). And Gaussian normalization is counted by (V-Vavg)/Std.