If i am not mistaken in RESTful services in order to remove a record you need to do this:
Delete a product: DELETE /api/product/id
But in RESTAngular when i do for example
request is made to /api/product
whith the whole product object in the Requests Body. This is not what i want!
Here is my code:
myApp.factory('RESTService', [ 'Restangular', function (Restangular) {
var restAngular = Restangular.withConfig(function (Configurer) {
var service = {};
service.Product= restAngular.service('product');
return service;
GET one Product
RESTService.Product.one(id).get().then(function (response) {
$scope.product= response;
DELETE the Product
I want when i do product.remove()
to send a DELETE Request to /myAPI/product/id. How can i do that?
// DELETE /accounts/123/buildings/456
Restangular.one("accounts", 123).one("buildings", 456).remove();