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Middleman and I18n: having some issues

I have activated I18n in middleman like so:

activate :i18n, mount_at_root: :de

Now I'd like to be redirected from / to /de automatically. Is this possible?

Also, I wonder why middleman auto-assigns class index (for german) and en_index (for english) using the page_classes helper? This doesn't make much sense - it's the same page, so it should use the class index for both english and german. Or did I miss something?


  • If you :mount_at_root => :de german will be your default language and thus not prefixed.

    If you set :mount_at_root => :false all languages should be prefixed.

    I have successfully used the following configuration to set de/en paths.

    This will also create page_classes such as as en en_index and de de_index.

    activate :i18n, :mount_at_root => :false, :langs => [:de, :en]

    Redirecting from / to /de is done using redirect "index.html", :to => "de/index.html".

    To prevent page_classes from prefixing the classes with the language, overwrite the helper like so:

    helpers do
      def page_classes(path=current_path.dup, options={})
        super(path.sub(/^[a-z]{2}\//, ''), options)