I know I can create synonym for a type, for example:
type ListToArray a e = [e] -> a Int e
I also read that a constrained type is still a type, so I thought I can create a synonym for that too:
type (Data.Array.IArray.IArray a e) => ListToArray a e = [e] -> a Int e
However GHC complains:
parse error on input '=>'
Does GHC support synonyms to constrained types?
You can check the Haskell 2010 Report, the section about type synonyms states that the grammar for type synonyms is:
type simpletype = type
simpletype → tycon tyvar1 … tyvark (k ≥ 0)
In other words: no you cannot put class constraints on the left of the =
in a type
Also note that you cannot have class constraints even on the right of the =
in such declarations. The definition of type
type → btype [-> type] (function type)
btype → [btype] atype (type application)
atype → gtycon
| tyvar
| ( type1 , … , typek ) (tuple type, k ≥ 2)
| [ type ] (list type)
| ( type ) (parenthesised constructor)
gtycon → qtycon
| () (unit type)
| [] (list constructor)
| (->) (function constructor)
| (,{,}) (tupling constructors)
So the type
non-terminal refers to a type without a context. In other words: no you cannot have a context in a type synonym, at least not in the general case.
GHC has a lot of extension to Haskell's type system that can lift some of the above restrictions in certain situations (see this page.) however, AFAIK, none that achieves exactly what you want.