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Function declared with a parameter of type Dictionary shows another parameter type

I'm having a problem, and I can't find the solution, I have an extension of an object Article, which has a func which creates the object with the data contained in a dictionary passed as a parameter to the func, this is the code:

protocol EntityProtocol {

     mutating func createEntityWithDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>)


extension Article: EntityProtocol {

  func createEntityWithDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) {

    var article: Article! = ModelManager.instance.insertNewEntityName("Article") as Article

    for (key: String, value: AnyObject) in dictionary {

        switch key {

        case kContentTypeKey:

            article.contentType = value as String

        case kEditorsPickKey:

            article.editorsPick = value as Bool







Ok, so in another class, I invoke the func passing a dictionary as parameter, but when I write Article.createEntityWithDictionaryit autocompletes the name of the method, but the type of the parameter is Article instead of Dictionary, and if I pass a dictionary as parameter XCode says "NSDictionary is not a subtype of 'Article'".

What am I missing here?


  • Ok I finally found what was the problem. The thing was that I was trying to access Article like a class instead of like an object, so it couldn't access that method. I solved it changing the line




    Doing that, when we access the method fillEntityWithDictionary (which was the method createEntityWithDicitonary) before executing it, I create an object Article in the ArticleManager, which is a singleton which manages all the actions relatives to objects of the type Article. After having a valid object, there's no problem in executing fillEntityWithDictionary.