I'm trying to write app which logs json msgs to db. That part I got. The problem comes with getting that json back. I can't get values from it. I've tried to get raw msgs from db and getting values from this ( json gem seems not to see it as json) I've tried to parse it via .to_json , but it doesn't seem to work either. Maby you have some idea how to get it? Thanks in advance
mjl_pk bigserial
mjl_body text <- JSON is stored here
mjl_time timestamp
mjl_issuer varchar
mjl_status varchar
mjl_action varchar
mjl_object varchar
mjl_pat_id varchar
mjl_stu_id varchar
#Include config catalog, where jsonadds is
$LOAD_PATH << 'config'
require 'sinatra'
require 'active_record'
require 'json'
require 'jsonadds'
require 'RestClient'
#Class for db
class Mjl < ActiveRecord::Base
#table name
self.table_name = "msg_json_log"
serialize :properties, JSON
#overwrite ActiveRecord id with "mjl_pk"
def self.primary_key
#Get json msg and write it to db
post '/logger' do
content_type :json
#Check if msg is json
if JSON.is_json?(params[:data])
#insert data into db
msg = Mjl.create(:mjl_body => params[:data] ,:mjl_issuer => 'LOGGER', :mjl_action => 'test', :mjl_object =>'obj')
#else return error
puts "Not a JSON \n" + params[:data]
#Get json with id = params[:id]
get '/json/:id' do
content_type :json
#Get json from db
json_body = Mjl.where(mjl_pk: params[:id]).pluck(:mjl_body)
puts json_body
json_body = json_body.to_json
puts json_body
#Get 'patientData' from json
puts json_body['key']
puts json_body[0]['key']
"key": "I am a value",
"group": {
"key2": "Next value",
"key3": "Another one"
"val1": "Val"
["{\n \"key\": \"I am a value\",\n \"group\": {\n \"key2\": \"Next value\",\n \"key3\": \"Another one\"\n },\n \"val1\": \"Val\"\n}"]
<--empty value from 'puts json_body[0]['key']'
Finally I've found how to do it.
I saw explanation on JSON methods at:
from json to a ruby hash?
Code which works for me:
json_body = Mjl.where(mjl_pk: params[:id]).pluck(:mjl_body)
puts json_body
jparsed = JSON.parse(json_body[0])
puts jparsed['key']