I'm writing some roles for setting up a virtual machine using ansible.
I'm trying to set the gnome-terminal color theme to Solarized https://github.com/Anthony25/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
I can run the script from the terminal and the color changes immediately
$ ~/solarized/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/install.sh -s dark -p Default
But when I run it from ansible:
- name: Set Solarized color to Default profile
script: /home/someuser/solarized/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/install.sh -s dark -p Default
The result look ok
TASK: [solarized | Set Solarized color to Default profile] ***********************
changed: [localhost]
But nothing changed! I check the config file at ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/ and it did not change as well
I tried shell, command but still the same result.
I tried run
install.sh -s lkefjefj -p lefjelkfj
and it throws errors, so it actually reads the arguments
The script is run with sudo option.
So I do not understand why it is not working?
I found the problem. The script is run in ansible as root user when I declare "sudo: yes" in the main playbook. when I supplied "sudo_user: my_user" it run correctly