i've got a problem with dataset:
I've got two dataset from two different server but they have the same columns.
so it's like that:
First DataSet :
asset description make jobtype jan feb ... dec
0001 mine ik Acc 0 0 10
0002 yours ic Over 0 0 10
Second dataset :
asset description make jobtype jan feb ... dec
0001 mine ik Acc 10 0 10
0002 yours ic Gen 0 0 0
But i would like to merge the 2 dataset into one like that:
asset description make jobtype lhjan imjan lhfeb lhfeb ... lhdec imdec
0001 mine ik Acc 0 10 0 0 10 10
0002 yours ic Over 0 0 0 0 10 0
so all the data from one is combine with the second with the same asset and the same jobtype.
I try linq but i can't arrive to make it like i want. I'm working on vb.net framework 3.5.
could you help me?
If you literally just want to join the two, you can use the same DATASET in 2 different Adaptor.fill().
If you do not use a NEW DATASET before the second FILL, the 2 will get merged.