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Least expensive way to construct cyclic list in Haskell

So if I want to construct a circular list of n 0's and 1 1, which of the following ways is better/cheaper? And is there an even better/cheaper way? Taking into account that n is an Integer and may be large (though realistically its not going to exceed 2^32).

aZerosAndOnes :: Integer -> [Int]
aZerosAndOnes n 
    | n >= 0    = cycle (genericReplicate n 0 ++ [1])
    | otherwise = []


bZerosAndOnes :: Integer -> [Int]
bZerosAndOnes n 
    | n >= 0    = tail (cycle (1 : genericReplicate n 0))
    | otherwise = []


  • I'd definitely go with the second, because it's obviously efficient and plenty clear enough. The first will depend on whether genericReplicate is able to fuse with ++ in some fashion. The best way to find out for sure is to run

    ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all whatever.hs | less

    and pore over what it spews.

    That said, the entire length of a cycle will actually be allocated in memory. Such is the nature of the cycle function as currently implemented, and that does not seem likely to change (barring some significant advance—foldr/build fusion does not seem to be sufficient). So you probably be better off avoiding this altogether by writing the rest of your code differently.

    Ah yes, I thought of something else. If you consume this list in a "single-threaded" fashion, you can dispense with cycle altogether:

    weirdthing n = genericReplicate n 0 ++ [1] ++ weirdthing n

    and that's my final answer. This makes an infinite list instead of a cyclic list, but when n is big enough, that's better.