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Why does Typesafe Activator not set up documentation for dependencies in IDEA?

I've noticed that if I create a new IntelliJ IDEA project with SBT and gen-idea It will set up the project structure to have the class jars, source jars and javadocs jars.

However if I use a Typesafe Activator template and run either gen-idea from within the web UI or manually via SBT, it only sets up the class jars.

Is downloading and configuring documentation for libraries something that needs to be defined in build.sbt or is it some local misconfiguration?


  • I don't know about the sbt-idea plugin, but the answer to "Is downloading and configuring documentation for libraries something that needs to be defined in build.sbt or is it some local misconfiguration?" is yes as described in the official documentation of sbt in Library Management under Download Sources:

    To have sbt download the dependency’s sources without using an IDE plugin, add withSources() to the dependency definition. For API jars, add withJavadoc(). For example:

    libraryDependencies += 
      "org.apache.felix" % "org.apache.felix.framework" % "1.8.0" withSources() withJavadoc()