Basically I want my player to move when I click and hold a button using JQuery's .mousedown function. The problem is, the player doesn't continously move left, he just moves once. I want him to keep moving left until I mouseup.
Here's my code:
$('#arrowRight').mousedown(function() {
Any ideas?
Try this:
var isDown = false;
$arrowRight = $("#arrowRight");
$arrowLeft = $("#arrowLeft");
$arrowRight.mousedown(function(){isDown = true;});
$arrowLeft.mousedown(function(){isDown = true;});
isDown = false;
$arrowRight.mousedown(function() {movePlayer('+=20');});
$arrowLeft.mousedown(function() {movePlayer('-=20');});
function movePlayer(intMovement){
$( "#player" ).animate({
'left': intMovement +'px'
}, 100, function() {
if (isDown){