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Twitch API, Stream URL

I have started a small android project and its last feature is watching twitch streams but I have run into a setback. I have red the twitch API and later found this post . My idea is the following:

-get the list of twitch streamers for a particular game.

-when an element of the list is clicked open the stream and play.

After reading those two sources I made a listfragment with arrayadapter and using volley I loaded the response from https :// . ex:

I get JSON reponse for the 25 top streamers and display them. Here is where I run in a problem. I don't know how to get the streams video URL.

According to my second link to get the different quiality stream videos I have to:

1) get token from http ://

The response recieved looks like this:

{ token: "{"user_id":null,"channel":"riotgames","expires":1408096127,"chansub":{"view_until":1924905600,"restricted_bitrates":[]},"private":{"allowed_to_view":true},"privileged":false}",
sig: "c81dfc25b90d44ea107cdeae5371df28185bd0dd",
mobile_restricted: false

this response has 3 values: token, sig and mobile_restricted.

2) using this http :// , I fill in the fields using the json token response"{"user_id":null,"channel":"riotgames","expires":1408096127,"chansub":{"view_until":1924905600,"restricted_bitrates":[]},"private":{"allowed_to_view":true},"privileged":false}"&allow_source=true

, but the response I get back is always:


Which to my understanding means that the stream is not live? But in the same time I can see the stream going.

My questions are: How do I get the live stream urls with the different qualities? What is wrong with the way I call them?

As a disclaimer: I'm extremely new to any sort of programming so I don't pretend to understand everything. I might have overlooked something or clearly missed it. Also it seems I can't post more than 2 links so I have added an additional space after http.

Edit: With the help of @rcxrdx I got the response I was looking for. What he pointed out was that I have to encode the token correctly. Here is an example of encoded url for recieving the String response with all the video qualities:

Something I lost some time to is that when you recieve the access token if you are not logged in the user_id will return null. In most examples like the one from the blog post i have added up top, do not explicitly say that. So yeah, if someone wants to play a twitch video the hierarchy is as follows: get access_token, form the url following my example in the edit , recieve the STRING (it might say it's JSON but it isnt) response, get the video qualities from the response and use a VideoView to play them with the following lines:

String myStream=response;
Uri uri = Uri.parse(myStream);


  • You are doing it right, the only thing you are missing is that your token has to be URL-encoded, by the method of your choice.

    If you want to make sure that you are doing the encoding step correctly, you can watch the request you send when connecting to a stream through your browser (with wireshark, or the Network tab on Chrome), and make sure you are sending the same token.