I am trying to set the default username as like wechat which have something like wxid_1234 so can we set default username in our mysql table?
There is a table named 'username' and have two columns: 'username' and 'phone'. Since 'username' needs to be set something like foo_123 and may be auto increased with foo_124, foo_125 etc. It could be changed afterwards.
So is it possible to set the username like that? if not what is the other method to do it.
Yes, you can do that, but it would be two queries, and you would have to have an autoincrementing user_id
as another column:
$sql = $dbo->prepare('INSERT INTO users(username, phone) values("temp", ?)');
$id = $dbo->lastInsertId();
$sql = $dbo->prepare("UPDATE users SET username=? WHERE id=?");
$username = "foo_" . $id;
$sql->execute(array($username, $id));