I have a Visual Studio 2013 Solution with custom project types provided by a plugin. These projects do not support specifying the build outputs folder or post build events. I need to copy the build outputs from the outputs location of each project to a single bin
folder such that they can be uploaded to a drop location in TFS. How would I write a batch script or similar to copy the outputs from
Bearing in mind that some projects depend on others and therefore the same .dll
may be present in multiple locations. It doesn't matter which I keep. I tried something like
for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir *.dll *.exe /b /s /a-d') do copy "%a" "bin" /y
But that does not preserve the \Debug\Win32
folder structure
I managed to work it out with the help of a batch script which I called CopyBins.bat
. It is not particularly elegant, but here it is;
dir /b /s /ad | find "\%1\" > folders.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('cat folders.txt') do xcopy /s /y "%%a" %1\
del folders.txt
Then I can execute it by calling
CopyBins Debug
Bear in mind that I can't just execute
for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /b /s /ad | find "\Debug\"') do xcopy /s /y "%a" Debug\
Because I get the error
| was unexpected at this time.
If anybody has a better solution I would like to hear it...