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How to Pivot one Row into One Column

Can someone please help me out. I've looked around and can't find something similar to what I need to do. Basically,

I have a table that will need to be pivoted, it is coming from a flat file that loads all columns as one comma delimited column. I will need to break out the columns into their respective order before the pivot and I've got procedures that do this beautifully. However, the crux of this table is that I need to edit the headers before I can continue.

I need help to pivot the information in the first column and put it another table I've created. Therefore, I need this

    ID   Column01

    1    Express,,,Express,,,HyperMakert,,WebStore,Web

To End up like this....

    New_ID   New_Col

    1        Express
    4        Express
    7        HyperMarket
    9        WebStore
    10       Web

Please note that I need to include the '' Black columns from the original row and.
I looked and the links below but they were not helpful;

SQL Server : Transpose rows to columns Efficiently convert rows to columns in sql server Mysql query to dynamically convert rows to columns


  • There are many methods of splitting string in SQL Server you can find on the web, some are really complicated but some are just simple. I like the way of using dynamic query. It's just short and simple (not sure about the performance but I believe it would be not too bad):

    declare @s varchar(max)
    -- save the Column01 string/text into @s variable
    select @s = Column01 from test where ID = 1
    -- build the query string
    set @s = 'select row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as New_ID, c as New_Col from (values ('''
              + replace(@s, ',', '''),(''') + ''')) v(c)'
    insert newTable exec(@s)    
    select * from newTable

    Sqlfiddle Demo

    The use of values() clause above is some kind of anonymous table, here is a simple example of such usage (so that you can understand it better). The anonymous table in the following example has just 1 column, the table name is v and the column name is c. Each row has just 1 cell and should be wrapped in a pair of parentheses (). The rows are separated by commas and follow after values. Here is the code:

    -- note about the outside (...) wrapping values ....
    select * from (values ('a'),('b'),('c'), ('d')) v(c)

    The result will be:

    1  a
    2  b
    3  c
    4  d

    Just try running that code and you'll understand how useful it is.