I populate a database that I want to run rspec tests against.
Rspec seems to delete the db before it starts the tests. How can I tell Rspec not to delete this test_db?
I populate the db outside of Rails / Rspec environment. To build all the factories needed to build up the DB is just not practical for the scope of the project but I would like to test against existing DB.
You can manage clean your database using database cleaner gem, and The documentation recommends the following configuration for rspec as this link, but you change as the following:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
But, I prefer to create your database in test environment before scenario, as example:
describe "specific name for this scenario" do
before do
@object = create(:object) # using factory girl as example
so, this data'll be generate for each time you run your test-case, read more about creating data for rspec-test.