i have a strange problem. I have an ICEFaces(1.8.2) + Facelets application im working on and every time i make a change to it and deploy i must restart Glassfish(2.1.1) else i get a "java.lang.ClassCastException" on my entities. The error message is :
java.lang.ClassCastException: za.co.africanpulse.rms.frontend.domain.Menuheader cannot be cast to za.co.africanpulse.rms.frontend.domain.Menuheader
If i restart Glassfish as said above all is ok... but this is getting kinda irratating. I dont quite know what exactly you would like me to post so that my problem is easier identified / understood. Anyways any help will be most appreciated.
Many many thanks
When the web.xml servlet version is below 2.5 and jsf is still at 1.1 specified in the faces-config.xml then strange persistence related issues will arise. In my case entities could not be cast to themselves..???
After changing servlet version and jsf version i could successfully inject EntityManagers into my DAOs...