I have a method "ImportExcel" that is called in a new thread:
private void btnImportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Start by setting up a new thread using the delegate ThreadStart
// We tell it the entry function (the function to call first in the thread)
// Think of it as main() for the new thread.
ThreadStart theprogress = new ThreadStart(ImportExcel);
// Now the thread which we create using the delegate
Thread startprogress = new Thread(theprogress);
// We can give it a name (optional)
startprogress.Name = "Book Detail Scrapper";
// Start the execution
Now within ImportExcel() function, there is a try catch block. In the catch block, if a particular exception occurs, I wish to call ImportExcel() function again. How do I do that?
Probably you could just add one more level of indirection to handle such issue:
private void TryMultimpleImportExcel()
Boolean canTryAgain = true;
while( canTryAgain)
canTryAgain = false;
catch(NotCriticalTryAgainException exc)
catch(Exception critExc)
canTryAgain = false;
// ...
ThreadStart theprogress = new ThreadStart(TryMultimpleImportExcel);
// ..
If you want to allow your user to stop the possibly endless processing, you may want to use CancellationToken, as it is described here - How to use the CancellationToken property?. Thanks @MikeOfSST.