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How to tell cxf to keep the wrapper types in methods?

In my WSDL I have an operation

<wsdl:operation name="theMethod">
    <wsdl:input message="input1" name="input1"></wsdl:input>
    <wsdl:output message="tns:classNumber1" name="classNumber1"></wsdl:output>

in my xsd, classNumber1 is a complex type and it is a wrapper for another type: classNumber2

<xs:complexType name="classNumber1">
   <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="tns:classNumber2"/>

when I generate classes with cxf (I use cxf maven plugin), I expected that theMethod to return a ClassNumber1 but it was a ClassNumber2.

@ResponseWrapper(localName="classNumber1" , className="com.model.ClassNumber")
public ClassNumber2 theMethod (Input1 input1){

Is there a way to tell cxf to generate the method with the wrapper CLassNumber1. Thanks.


  • I find the solution in this doc, question "How can I switch my generated web service method calls from wrapper style to non wrapper-style (or vice-versa)?"

    The solution to keep wrappers with cxf generation is to add a binding file in the pom.xml:


    In the binding file you set enableWrapperStyle to false:
