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MvcContrib.CommandProcessor.RulesEngine tutorial(s)

I am studying the CodeCampServer.

I am confused about the ASP.NET MvcContrib.CommandProcessor.RulesEngine.

Are there any tutorials about the RulesEngine of the MvcContrib?

Or can anybody of you explain me how does this work and what benefits I gain?


  • Are there any tutorials about the RulesEngine of the MvcContrib?


    The only way you can learn about it, its to look in the source code:

    The last commit to this project was in 16 Dec 09, and this project is far from being complete (and therefore success). I think it's nice project, but to implement any rule you need to create so much code in so many places, so I don't like it.

    I'm currently looking for using something else, like FluentValidation and xVal.